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Hello Imma FOX (she/her) Imma from the KotLC wiki and some other ones about books. I LOVE Violet Evergarden and just never had the right time to come here, so, hello there now :>
Just Updated
I am Horrorbaby22!
You can call me "horror" :D
I am 19 years old!!
I am thinking about watching the "Violet Evergarden" !
It was good
bro what is violet evergarden
36 Votes in Poll
As I was looking through Gilbert relationships with violet there’s a lot of repeat Meaning talking on the same thing and a little miscommunication
For example it said something how Gilbert loved her as a daughter repeat but they kinda not true yes Gilbert love n care for her deeply especially she the only person he got BUT it’s reveal the love they both had was romance
I tried helping out but it’s locked
The main issue it’s the repeat in the passage n miscommunication
28 Votes in Poll
Hey guys I'm Hazelnutpie, the new admin for this wiki!
I adopted this wiki because it's been neglected for too long and I think this series deserves an informative and reliable wiki. Over the next few days I'll be cleaning up all the spam and nonsensical edits and probably locking some of the more vandalized pages like Violet's and Gilbert's pages. I'll also be splitting the character pages into anime and LN versions, since if you've read the novels, you'll know that the anime and novels are very different and it's just more convenient to split them up.
Please feel free to contribute! This wiki desperately needs to be up to date. Don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it.
I'm in love with this anime, Violet Evergarden is such a beautiful story, it's too amazing to just let the community die like this. I'm sure there's many more fans out there, is there some offical forum website or something?
I know Violet Evergarden fans would make the most interesting community ever if there were more of us here! Imagine all the things we could do if we had a bigger community for this show :))<3
If you're a true fan, I hope you think the same x
(Edited by MysKitty)
Feel free to use :)
Feel free to use :D
Feel free to use.
Feel free to use :)
Free free to use!
Violet Evergarden is a very beautiful anime. Feel free to download and use screenshot :D